Pet Service 2019

On Sunday 1st September we held our annual pet service. This service was led by Revd Johanna Mabey. This is the time to bring along your family pet to join in with the service. As you can see from the photos below a variety of animals came along with their families. We heard their stories and then the animals were presented with a certificate of blessing, followed by squash and biscuits in the church hall.

Aldeburgh Carnival Songs of Praise 2019

It is that time again when the seaside town of Aldeburgh is decorated with carnival explosions of colour. This year the theme is to celebrate 100 years of the wonderful Aldeburgh cinema. There are windows decorated with oscars, giant Jaws (the shark ones) 007 Octopussy, Harry Potter and lots more.

The Revd Mark Lowther led the annual United Carnival Songs of Praise on the green next to the Moot Hall. It was a well attended service with the addition of hand selected people that spoke to Mark about their carnival experiences and what they were doing at this year’s carnival.

Here are some photos of the evening.

We welcome Revd James Marston

We are delighted to welcome James as our new Benefice Assistant Curate.

James was ordained on Saturday 29th July at Bury St Edmunds Cathedral. We started him working the very next day at our Patronal Festival which James acted beautifully as Deacon. We were also joined by the Dean of our Cathedral The Very Revd Joe Hawes. Afterwards we all got the opportunity to chat with James for a bring and share lunch in the Church Hall.

Here are some photos of the day.

Easter Flowers

Dru and her team have been very busy decorating our beautiful church for Easter. I am sure you will agree that the flower arrangements are just stunning. Thank you all for creating such a beautiful and welcoming church for all of our Easter visitors.

Please take a look at the photos below.

Easter Messy Church 2019

On Saturday 13th Revd Johanna Mabey led another fun Messy Church event for Easter. We were overjoyed that 39 children (inc two gorgeous babies) and 34 adults attended. It was a joyful event with the story of Easter told by the Revd Mark Lowther, then the creativity begun. A huge thank you to all that came along and all our wonderful volunteers that made it happen. Please take a look at the photos below to see the fun had by all.

Next Messy Church will be for Harvest Festival on Saturday 21st September 10am – 12 noon in the Church Hall. All Welcome.

New Electoral Roll

Every 6 years we have to discard the old electoral roll and start again! 2019 is a sixth year so if you wish to go on the electoral roll (and qualify) you must fill in one of the forms in the west porch, or the back of the church, and then place it in the pigeon hole marked ‘Administrator’.  Or just print off the form below and place in the Administrator’s pigeon hole. You can be on two electoral rolls if you meet the required criteria.

Our wonderful Knitivity have returned

We are delighted to see the life-size knitted nativity return back to Aldeburgh Parish Church.  The Knit and Natter Group from the Fairfield Centre have been busy again this year and produced additions to the scene with two shepherds, two Suffolk sheep and a lamb.  Thank you so much all for all your wonderful efforts and letting us display them again.

Please do come along to visit our Knitted friends.  They will be with us throughout the Christmas period to raise money for our Church funds. 

Read all about the story of the knitivity in the East Anglian Daily Times.  Click on the link below.

Christmas Messy Church 2018

On Saturday the 15th December the Christmas fun really began.  We had a huge turn out of children, parents and grandparents.  

We all got creative in making Christmas decorations, bags and yummy biscuits.

We also enjoyed listening to the Open Book Team who presented the Christmas story with great joy and enthusiasm.  Thank you!!!

THANK YOU so much to all of our wonderful volunteers that make this popular event possible every year.

Please take a look at the pictures below from the day.

Christmas Rainbow Tots

On Tuesday the 11th December the Rainbow Tots got together at the Aldeburgh Community Centre to celebrate Christmas. 

We all listened to the Christmas story with our wonderful Knitivity friends.  Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, and Anja had made a yummy cake too.

Please take a look at the photos below.

We Will Remember Them

Our Church was thoughtfully decorated for this year’s 100th anniversary Remembrance Sunday.

We are so fortunate to have a building that looks so beautiful on very special occasions such as this.

A huge thank you to all that contributed in making the church look so wonderful for such an important service. We Will Remember Them.

Please do come and visit to see the displays

Here are some photos.