

Confirmation can be an important part of the life journey of a Christian – especially one who was baptised as an infant. Congratulations on wanting to explore this as an option!

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is a special event in which a person confirms the promises, which were made when they were baptised. It’s your chance to publically say that you believe in God, and are ready to live your life as a Christian.

Confirmation is done by a Bishop, who will lay their hands on your head, and ask the Holy Spirit to bless and guide you for the rest of your life.

Will I Take Holy Communion Once I am Confirmed?

Absolutely! Traditionally, a person could only receive communion after confirmation, but you may be aware that this has changed in recent years.

How Can I Tell If I am Ready for Confirmation?

If you feel strongly that it is right, then you are probably correct! One of our ministry team will talk to you about your choice, and the reasons behind it. People being confirmed also take part in a short preparation course to make sure they understand exactly what they are committing to.

There is no right age to be confirmed. Anybody who has been baptised can be confirmed. As a general rule, confirmation candidates are over 10 years old and can make their own decisions, but do talk to us if you have any queries.

I would like to talk to somebody about confirmation – who should I contact?

Please see the Contact page, we would be happy to speak with you further about Confirmation.